

As long term bestfriends living in different parts of the world right now, we have been discussing doing a collaborative project that can not only bring us together, but also produce artwork that can resonate on a personal level with the NFT community.

This project was the culmination of months of research, exploring animation, recursion and rendering techniques in three.js. Using this collaboration, we combined our diverse backgrounds spanning among digital media, computation and architecture.

As digital artists, we are always interested in pushing the boundary of generative artwork and investigating innovative production of Nfts.

Mint #0


Assemblage is capable of being exported to various formats. Visit Assemblage Export Tool to export 3D asset.

Importing to Metaverse


3D Printing

3d printing

3D Modeling Software

3d modeling


Assemblage produces 12 different abstract formal types all representing various aspects of what brings people together. Each type is related to an action that creates a connection: Game (play), Language (speak), Faith (believe), Art (create), Home (dwell), Peace (coexist), Heritage (remember), Conflict (fight), Music (listen), Friends (gather), Energy (produce), Memory (think).

Mint #0

Ropsten Tests

Below are some of the samples from the ropsten test network. All other variations can be seen from the link below:

View on Ropsten

Sample images


Assemblage uses 20 different color palettes all representing various moods people feel. These are split into light and dark themes and applicable to all form types.



Assemblage continuously cycles through two animation stages. During expansion, parts disintegrate and either form a spherical (orb) or cubic (tesseract) group, or they flow within a dynamic flux (vortex). During contraction, parts assemble in six different ways that can animate axial collapsing (side2side / top2bottom), branching growth (bloom-in / out) or peripheral spreading (inside-out / outside-in).

Language type showing orb expansion and bloom-out contraction.

Memory type showing orb expansion and top2bottom contraction.

Peace type showing vortex expansion and outside-in contraction.

Music type showing tesseract expansion and bloom-out contraction.


We believe that digital art can only create value by the support of valuable collectors that also want to donate to a communal cause. Assemblage is not only about reuniting best friends, but also about forming a community that can generate a valuable incentive.

We would like to use this opportunity to help survivors of war who have been uprooted, traumatized and hurt. A portion of the sales (5%) will be donated to benefit victims in Ukraine.

Let's support those in need.

Thank you for your support! SAB & K2xL